What to include on your freelance translator website

Article What to include on your freelance translator website

What to include on your freelance translator website

Every freelance translator needs a decent website.

Creating a website will mean investing plenty of both time and money, and can feel like it’s an unnecessary hassle, especially when you’re first starting out.

But if you want to build a professional image and attract new clients, then having an online home for your business is non-negotiable.

Perhaps you’re relatively new to the freelance translation game and have never had a website before.

Or perhaps your current website is outdated or no longer reflects the services you have to offer or the niches you specialise in.

Either way, putting the effort into creating a site you feel proud of will always be worth it.

And whether you decide to get professional help with your web design and copywriting, decide to take the DIY route, or opt for a mix of the two approaches, there are certain things we recommend all freelancers include on their websites.

Keep reading for our tips on what to include to make sure your website is the best possible representation of what you have to offer.

1. Multiple pages

Firstly, if you’re trying to decide between a one-page site and a multi-page one, we recommend you always choose the latter.

One-page sites can look very sexy and are easier to build yourself, but it’s hard to squeeze all the information you need to include onto them.

Multiple page sites are also far better for search engine optimisation (SEO), as more pages mean more content for Google to search through and present to the people searching for exactly what you do.

2. SEO optimisation

Whilst we’re on the subject of SEO, you need to make sure your website keeps Google happy so that the people that need you have a better chance of finding you.

SEO is a complex thing, but it’s a very good idea to get a basic understanding of it before creating your website. Do some reading or maybe even consider taking a course in SEO, as there’s a lot of demand for SEO translation out there right now.

Then apply that knowledge to your website and give yourself the best chance of attracting clients through online searches.

3. What it is that makes you different

There are a lot of freelancers out there offering the same services as you, so your website needs to make it clear why a potential client should put their trust in you.

What makes you stand out from the crowd? Your expertise? Your understanding of your client’s industry? Your experience? Your approach? Your processes?

Whatever it is, make a point of underlining it in your copy, and don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through.

After all, your clients probably largely choose to work with you rather than an agency because they want that personal touch, so give them an insight into what it’ll be like to work with you from the get-go.

4. A clear navigational menu

This isn’t somewhere you should be getting inventive with your copy. The page that tells your story should be your ‘About’ page, your blog should just be called ‘blog’, and so on and so forth.

Make it easy for potential clients to navigate your site and get the information they need.

5. Your services

Your potential clients want to know whether you can provide the services they need. Lay out the services you provide in a clear, logical fashion.

If you offer a wide range of services like, for example, translation, interpreting and teaching, divide them up into subpages rather than trying to cram them all onto one.

When describing your services, focus on how what you do helps your clients.

How do you solve their problems? How do you make their lives easier? What can they rely on you for?

6. Your specialisations

If you’re focused on a particular niche or niches, then make that clear throughout your site.

You won’t put clients from other industries off, but you will be boosting your chances of getting work from clients in your favourite niches.

Let them know how your experience in their sector will benefit them.

You can list your specialisations on your home page and work them into your services pages. Or, on top of that, you can create a specialisations page in itself where you can go into more detail.

7. Testimonials

If you don’t have any client testimonials, then now’s the time to start gathering them.

We know it can seem embarrassing, but you’ll be surprised at how many of your clients are happy to provide them, and they’re fantastic additions to any website. The more, the better!

If you have a nice collection of them, then you can add a dedicated testimonials page for your clients to scroll. If you only have a few, then you can just dot them around in relevant places.

Put a few on your home page, then add any that focus on your skills in a certain service or certain specialisation to those relevant pages.

8. Blog

We know, you’ve got quite enough to do without trying to keep a blog updated as well, but having a blog really can help boost your business. It’s a slow burn, but it pays off in the end.

It’s somewhere you can share advice and demonstrate your expertise in your subject areas. It’s somewhere you can show off your writing style and give potential clients a chance to get to know you as a person and so that they can know whether you’re the right fit for them.

If you can produce blog posts on a regular basis when you first get started and build a solid base, you can then take your foot off the pedal and only post occasionally to keep things fresh.

Blog posts are also great material to be shared on and repurposed for social media, so you won’t regret including one on your website, we promise.

9. Contact

Your website needs to make it very easy for someone to get in touch with you.

Include a simple contact page with a short, encouraging introduction and either a contact form or just your email address and phone number (but only if you’re happy to take unscheduled client calls - spoiler: you don’t have to if you don’t want to!).

Then, make sure all your other pages lead your visitors to your contact page. Add clear links letting them know that the next stage is to get in touch with you.

There shouldn’t be any dead ends on your website, you should always be leading your visitors on to the next relevant page, or to the end goal: sending you that email or picking up that phone.

Tailor your website to you and your business

Every freelance translator is unique, so everyone will need their website to tick different boxes.

If you get a lot of the same questions from your clients, then add an FAQ page.

You could add a page detailing the clients you tend to work with, a section or page focusing on why clients should pick you, a video introduction from you, video testimonials from your clients, a rates page…

Don’t be afraid to do things a little differently to other freelance translators you see - this is your website, your business, and you know your customers, so you make the rules.

Reel your ideal clients in with your website, then keep them happy with the help of LSP.expert. Give our 30-day free trial a go to see for yourself just what a difference it could make.

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